Meet your source for AI Integration

Welcome to the future of AI integration! Let’s skyrocket your business with automation and AI solutions. Unleash the full potential of our industry leading expertise.

Our process is designed to seamlessly integrate with your current CRM Software.
Logos from companies that AiAgentSea can integrate with
On-Brand Chatbot Assistant

Craft an assistant to automate tasks and create personalized customer experiences. Never miss another lead.

Advanced AI Integration

Our team specializes in the automation of backend operations and ranging from website development to chatbot integration, empowering your company with efficiency and innovation.

Discover The possibilites
Hand Crafted Consultations

We provide consultation services for business, helping you make the strategic moves that’ll put your venture on the fast track to success.

Discover the possibilites

A strategic tool for your company's website.
AI Agents

Turn your website visitors into loyal customers. Like an in-store salesperson, our chatbot offers personalized assistance to website visitors while driving them towards your Call To Action.

Serving as both your online sales representative and customer support agent.

SEe our options

Automation that will accelerate
profit acquisition

Boost your growth with our AI-backed website building, smart bots, and insightful consultations tailored for your business.
AI Websites

Custom-built websites with AI capabilities

System Integration

Blend AI smoothly with your existing infrastructure and CRM software

Personalized Bots

Custom Trained smart bots for customer support and automation

AI Consultation

Get guidance on AI-driven business ventures

Automation Solutions

Automate tasks, improve productivity

Personalized Support

Dedicated assistance to tailor-made solutions

This is how we work

Experience how we use the power of Artificial Intelligence to make your business practices more efficient.

First Contact:

Once we are in contact, we will begin working to understand you and your specific automation needs. We will work together with you to find a product that fits your requirements and budget.

Build Phase:

Next we will begin building the systems for you to integrate into your business. During this phase there is typically some back and forth, so you will need to be able to answer some questions as they arise.

Delivery and Handoff:

Upon completion of the systems, we will deliver the product to you in your selected format, that you will own and be responsible for. During this phase we will assist you in your initial set up process. We will also provide easy to follow guides on how to integrate and use your new automations without our aide.

Continued Service
and Satisfaction:

This is when both parties hand off the hard work to the automations. You will not have to maintain or manage your bot if you do not desire to do so. Of course, we stand by ready to support you and your new automatic systems.

These are the 4 main pillars of every AiAgentSea purchase
The Bot

We work together to design and build the Ai assistant of your dreams. We have a system to help you quickly bring your bot to life.

The Systems

We utilize your existing CRM software or assist you in setting up a new one. There are various software needed for some additional features.

The website

We can tie directly into your existing website and systems.
Alternatively we can aide you in deploying an attractive new website to host the automations.

Product launch!

This is where the systems all go live together. We offer plans with continued maintenance for a less hands on approach.

Our Productized Packages

Each purchase comes with hand crafted on boarding and integration from Our Team. The main question is who maintains the systems and what functions you desire. Below are just some of our offerings.

We Host
We Host
You Relax
  • We set up accounts
    and manage for you

  • $300/m ALL Service and Upkeep

  • Pre Designed Bots with limited Functionallity

  • Hosted in Our Workspace

We Sell to You
We Sell
to You
  • You maintain direct
    control of accounts

  • $200+/m Our Service and Upkeep

  • Pre Designed Bots with customizable Functions

  • Hosted in Your Workspace

Custom Guided Deployment
We Build
with You
  • Full Scale Legacy Integration
    or Ground up build

  • Monthly Pricing Per Feature

  • Each Bot is Custom Coded

  • Hosted Anywhere

Can't decide what works best?

Get in touch with us to discuss the best options for your business needs.
Our bots may be autonomous, but our pricing is not.
Contact us now